Sunnyvale Branch 62
Wine Tasting
Wine Tasting Publicist:
 Dave Riopel
Wine Tasting
Recent Events:
On Thursday October 19th, 2023 Riopels hosted a great tasting event that was well attended and very much enjoyed by all.
Our Plan:
Once each quarter we will get together at a local winery or at someone’s house, and discuss
the fine aspects of enjoying a good wine, be it red, white, or rose in color.
Dave and Lora Riopel are having a wine tasting (and drinking) event on April 10, 2025 at 4pm.
Bring something to share and plan on taking home leftovers.
Contact Dave and Lora if interested.
Where and When:
We plan to have two events at a member’s home, and two at a winery each year.
Watch here and on the Travel Webpage for more about upcoming events.
Anyone wishing to co-ordinate a winery visit, or to host an event at your home, please contact our Wine Tasting Publicist.
The Wine-Aroma Wheel
The Wine-Aroma Wheel is often used as a guide for rating wine.
Many Wheel examples can be found on the internet. They come in various languages, styles, and even for specific types of wine.
Here is an example of one of them from UC Davis
(click on it to expand):
How to use the wheel:
Start at the center, and work your way out to the edge, while evaluating smell, taste, and color.